Moog is now offering a Fast Track Repair service to give organisations a vital edge in delivering the quickest possible turnaround for essential engineering assets. This recognises the fact that minimal machine downtime is key to maximising operational metrics such as RONA (return on net assets) and ROCE (return on capital employed).
When a returned product is assigned to the Fast Track system, the priority level is automatically raised within Moog's existing repair programme and, at this stage, an estimate of return time is given to the customer.
According to Brian Sims, internal sales manager at Moog: "Fast Track's priority management system gives customers the ability to raise the profile on specific units above and beyond the various levels of turnaround offered by Moog. Due to the expansive product offering from Moog, we cannot promise a 24 to 48 hour turnaround, although, in reality, it is likely for us to regularly reach this level of performance."
With Fast Track, parts are re-designated and kitted in a unique way, adhering to global industrial processes and standards of lean, Kaizan and six sigma, to ensure Moog meets customer expectations with regard to quality. After that, the kit is then assigned to a dedicated set of individuals in the team whose responsibility is to re-manufacture the unit to exacting tolerances within (often) the tightest of deadlines.
One company that makes regular use of Moog's Fast Track Repair service is Wood Group Accessories and Components Ltd, based in Dublin. The company undertakes major service regimes not only on aero engines but also industrial gas turbines and, as with many industries, turnaround times and lead times are vital – especially where the end customer is concerned. According to Katrina Sutton, the materials team leader: "Supporting a wide range of power plants, turn times are critical; and we need to have absolute confidence in our vendors' performance. Our service and repair turnaround on these parts has fallen from up to 28 days down to just six or eight thanks to Moog's Fast Track Service. In fact I no longer have to worry about the lead times because I know they will be back well within schedule. This service has made a significant contribution in reducing our overall turn-times; we can now promise shorter lead times to our customers and have complete confidence in delivering, thanks to Moog's help."
Commencing with Moog's SVO valves, it is likely that the Fast Track service will be extended to cover other products later in the year.
In common with Moog's Authentic Repair programme, the remanufactured products will be as dependable and trouble-free as when new, using the very best technology in the process. This is due to a number of key benefits offered by Moog's repair capability:
It is important for companies to know that any repair work they need doing is in the best possible hands and will be undertaken under the highest quality standards. What is more, knowing that the team undertaking the repair is prioritising it and attaching the same level of urgency as required by the customer often results in downtime that can be forecast in terms of days rather than weeks for most situations.
Sims concludes: "We have been very pleased with customer uptake of the Fast Track Service and have received very positive feedback. It is clear that we are meeting the needs of our customers, with the take-up since Autumn 2006 representing between 16 and 20 per cent of our total repair business capacity."