MiniTec SmartAssist is here! After almost two years of development, the new assistance system from MiniTec is now available and can be used by customers. This opens up new possibilities for companies in terms of interactive employee support.

Simply smarter

MiniTec SmartAssist guides the worker step by step through the assembly process by displaying the required activities on the screen with the help of text, graphics or photos. There are various options for process support and interaction, as the systems’ modular design and allows a wide variety of components to be controlled, such as Pick2Light light strips, touch monitors or intervention sensors.

The central component of the MiniTec assistance system is the intuitive MiniTec SmartEdi editor, which allows customers to easily design and store the processes for assembling new products themselves. This means more flexibility and independence. The system doesn’t require any programming knowledge and is virtually self-explanatory. Once the work instructions have been completed, it can be used immediately on the MiniTec SmartPlayer.

Helpers for the worker: Edi and Buddy

MiniTec SmartAssist consists of two central components, the Editor and the Player. It is only through the interaction of the two parts that the special advantages of the system arise – the solution becomes “smarter” and unfolds its comprehensive added value for the user. The two helpers, Edi and Buddy, were created to highlight this difference, especially during the market launch. Edi symbolises the editor, i.e. MiniTec SmartEdi – he is the brain in the background, the control from which all actions emerge. Buddy stands for the MiniTec SmartPlayer – he is the actual assistant, the executing force, who does what Edi has instructed him to do with all the tools at his disposal.

More productivity and quality

An important benefit of MiniTec SmartAssist – in addition to the assistance it provides to employees – is the increase in quality. By providing step-by-step guidance to the workers, the system significantly reduces the error rate. In addition, the implicit possibility of quality control is even conceivable in the future. Just as the solution supports assembly and order picking with a wide range of technologies (monitors, light strips, laser projectors, etc.), it’s also possible to integrate control instruments such as camera inspection systems.

For assembly and order picking

The capabilities of MiniTec SmartAssist go far beyond simple assembly processes. The system also provides active support for order picking in the warehouse and shipping department: Just as employees are guided through the assembly of components by on-screen instructions and many other aids, this assistance can also be used to pack items for storage or shipping. This saves a lot of time (and therefore costs) and prevents errors during picking.

Find out more or download the datasheet

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