12-48 VDC 400W integrated servo motor from JVL
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 3rd Feb 2014, 16:16

12-48 VDC 400W integrated servo motor from JVL

Designed for battery powered and low-voltage applications, the MAC402 integrated servo motor is now available from JVL. The MAC402 is the VDC version of the popular MAC400 400W integrated servo motor. The supply range for the MAC402 is from 12V DC up to 48V DC, and full power of 400W (RMS) up to 1200W (peak) can be reached with 24 to 48V DC. This powerful, compact motor measures just 191mm (7.52 in.) × 60mm (2.36 in) × 114mm (4.49 in.) Applications include but are not limited to remotely operated robots, robotic vehicles, portable equipment, tracking devices, antenna mounts, and positioning devices.

12-48 VDC 400W integrated servo motor from JVL

JVL claims to be the only supplier currently offering a 400W continuous (1200W peak) integrated servo motor in the supply range of 24-48V DC operating at 0-3000rpm. In many applications it is not necessary to choose a 750W or larger motor, as the 400W (1200W peak) motor will be sufficient, thereby reducing cost and saving space. MAC402 options include brake, absolute multi turn encoder, and planetary & cycloidal gearheads.

A wide selection of communication modules is available for MAC402 motors, including basic modules for Pulse-Direction (or analogue input) or fieldbus modules including Profibus, Devicenet and CANopen, or programmable modules with easy connections to local sensors make integration into new and existing applications easy. Moreover, a wide variety of industrial Ethernet options are available: EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Powerlink, Modbus TCP and Sercos III. With the VDC supply option the advantages of the MAC400 VAC servos have been expanded to include applications for battery and low-voltage operation, from 12 to 48V DC. With wireless options like WLAN/Wifi, Zigbee or Bluetooth, the MAC402 MAC motor can run completely wireless.

An advantage of using an integrated MAC motor is that there is no need for a separate servo driver/controller. The advantages include space savings in the control cabinet, eliminating expensive motor and encoder cables, RFI/EFI noise is minimised due to internal cabling, and connection errors between driver and motor are eliminated. In addition, service is much easier as the motor and controller are replaced as a single integrated unit, minimising downtime.

For further information about the MAC402 integrated servo motor please visit www.jvl.dk.

JVL Industri Elektronik

Blokken 42

+45 4582 4440

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