Air-Tech 2014 takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 8-10 April 2014, with the organisers describing the event as the UK's most important forum for compressed air, generators, and pneumatics businesses.
The event in 2012 attracted more than 11,000 visitors representing all aspects of this industry. This figure was a 29 per cent increase on the attendance in 2010. Visitor numbers in 2014 are expected to be even higher.
A key element of the event is the programme of seminars that takes place in a dedicated conference theatre on the show floor on all three days of the show. The seminar presentations, each lasting 20-25 minutes, provide an excellent opportunity for visitors to bring themselves up to speed on key developments in the industry.
There are only a very limited number of seminar slots available and the organisers are now inviting potential speakers to suggest ideas for stimulating and informative topics that they would like to present as part of the programme. These should not be commercial presentations; topics should be technical, practical and of help to attendees in their working lives.
Possible topics for presentations include:
This list is not exhaustive. If you have suggestions for other topics related to the compressed air, generators and pneumatics, contact the organisers.
Authors interested in submitting papers for oral presentation at Air-Tech 2014 are requested to send a 500 word abstract, with name, postal address, email address and the relevant topic. Authors should submit their paper in Word for Windows format. The papers will be peer reviewed, and comments will be sent back to authors. Final papers will be accepted only when the peer reviewers' comments have been satisfactorily addressed.
Abstracts will be selected by the steering committee based on the following criteria:
Abstracts must be received by no later than Friday 31 October 2013 marked FAO Aaron Blutstein, conference director, at [email protected]. Authors will be notified by email as to whether their abstracts have been accepted or rejected. Instructions for the preparation of final papers will be sent with the notice of acceptance. Authors will be notified if their abstract has been accepted by 15 November 2013. Final papers and presentations are required by 31 January 2014.