A new cartesian robot is available from Intellidrives. Built with precision ball screw actuators and offered with travel lengths from 100 to 1,000mm, it performs coordinated motion via a multi-axis motion controller.
The cartesian robot can be motorized with stepper motors or brushless servo motors. Contact-less end-of-travel limit senors are installed on these systems. Further, the robot can be fitted with optional third rotary module axis for XYR configuration. It is supplied with self-supporting rigid structure for industrial applications
Programming is via the IMAC visual motion controller for robotic automation, ensuring user-friendly motion control automation. With a drag-and-drop, visual blocks based programming, virtually anyone can program motion control automation applications and supporting peripherals.
Automation has never been easier. You can program any task by dragging visual blocks into the workspace: controlling linear and circular motions with stepper and servo motor actuators, controlling I/O, programming peripherals, and more.