CML-IT offers exceptionally wide range of LED products
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 24th Aug 2007, 08:14

CML-IT offers exceptionally wide range of LED products

CML Innovative Technologies (CML-IT) offers a wide variety of products utilising LEDs as a light source. The company's comprehensive range of discrete LEDs consists of both through-hole and SMT format devices in all industry-standard sizes including 3mm, 5mm, 0603, 0805, 1206, PLCC as well as many others.

CML-IT offers exceptionally wide range of LED products

All LEDs are offered off-the-shelf in a wide variety of colours and intensities. Through-hole LEDs are available in red, orange, green, yellow and blue, in diffuse, transparent or clear format and with 20, 30, 34 and 40-degree viewing angles. Typical brightness of the devices at 20mA varies between 3 and 11000mcd, depending on the model. SMD LEDs are available in red, orange, green, yellow and blue, in diffuse or clear format and with 120 and 140-degree view angles. Typical brightness of the devices at 20mA varies between 8 and 350mcd.

One competitive service CML-IT offers is binning for through-hole LEDs, resulting in a perfect colour match. Furthermore, the company can test and calibrate LEDs in its test laboratory - which is claimed to be the only privately owned laboratory of its kind in the world - thereby ensuring its customers receive exactly the LEDs they require to their specifications.

CML Innovative Technologies

Robert Brunsen Strasse 1
67098 Bad Duerk

+49 6322 9567 0

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