Posted to News on 20th Feb 2007, 17:16
Course leads to City & Guilds Machinery Safety Certificate
Few engineers would be prepared to state that they are fully familiar with all aspects of the regulations, standards and risk management techniques relating to machinery safety. LC Automation therefore has a number of four-day courses available in conjunction with Pilz, which will present all of this material in the form of a single training package suitable for electrical and mechanical engineers and engineering managers.
In addition to classroom sessions there are also practical exercises and examinations that, if passed, lead to the candidate being awarded a City & Guilds Machinery Safety Certificate.
Course dates and locations
- 23 - 26 April - Blackburn
- 4 - 7 June - Chippenham
- 10 - 13 Sept - Blackburn
- 29 Oct to 1 Nov - Chippenham
- 19 - 22 Nov - Blackburn
Course content
Day 1
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- CE marking requirements covering Machinery, EMC and Low-Voltage Directives
- Harmonised standards structure
- BS EN 60204-1 Safety of Machinery - Electrical equipment of machinery
- Questioning section
Day 2
- BS EN 954-1 Safety of machinery - Safety related parts of control systems
- Practical wiring exercises to the categories of the standard for E-stop circuits including fault monitoring
- Principles and aspects of machine guarding
- Questioning section
Day 3
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 98)
- Practical wiring session on guard switches, two-hand control systems etc, including fault indication and monitoring
- Questioning section
Day 4
- Risk assessment concepts and theory, including BS EN ISO 12100 and BS EN 1050
- Applications of safety devices
- Practical method of risk assessment
- Temporary safety measures
Price and availability
To check availability for these courses, please e-mail [email protected] or call +44 (0)870 850 1708. The price is £1100 plus VAT per delegate, which includes course documentation and buffet lunch. Accommodation is not included.
LC Automation
Duttons Way
Shadsworth Business Park
+44 (0)1254 685900