Electrify your cylinders and actuators
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 22nd Aug 2024, 12:30

Electrify your cylinders and actuators

There are many reasons to switch from hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders to electromechanical cylinders, as the experts at Lenze Selection explain.

Electrify your cylinders and actuators

Besides less energy consumption, Servomech electromechanical actuators with ball screws or trapezoidal screws ensure high linear speed even at high loads, precise control of positioning and accuracy, consistent speed and force, and lower installation and maintenance costs.

These actuators and components such as spindles, travelling nuts, housings, etc are manufactured in a modern facility in Italy. This guarantees short delivery times, even for customised requirements.

Actuators with ball screws are characterised by high efficiency and low energy consumption. Due to their performance and ease of integration, they are the ideal alternative to hydraulic cylinders. They are easily interchangeable with existing hydraulic units due to the different assembly configurations available.

ATL (acme screw drive) and BSA (ball screw drive) Series:

Load capacity up to 600 kN, screw diameter up to 120 mm and maximum linear speed of 140 mm/s. Right angle design linear actuators with rear hinged attachments. High precision worm gearbox, ZI involute profile. Lubrication with synthetic grease (gearbox long life lubricated, screw drive can be regreased during regular maintenance periods).

ILA Series:

In-line modular design linear actuators for a great flexibility in mounting. Load capacity up to 250 kN, screw diameter up to 80 mm and standard stroke length is up to 1,500 mm. Special stroke lengths are also available upon request. The shaft and the flange allow the easy coupling of a geared motor with in-line or right-angle mounting.

HSA Series (ball screw drive):

HSA linear actuators are designed and produced to perform high speeds and high loads with long service life. Load capacity up to 150 kN, screw diameter up to 80 mm and maximum linear speed of 1.500 mm/s. Standard stroke length is up to 1,000 mm, special stroke length also available upon request. Rear hinged attachments and a fast and easy re-lubrication of the nut with 'homing' position.

The Servomech standard portfolio covers a wide range of applications. However, the Lenze Selection engineering team is happy to provide customised solutions tailored to your specific application.

Lenze Selection (a Division of Lenze Ltd)

6 Abbey Court Road
Priory Business Park
MK44 3WH

+44 (0)1234 753201

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