DSL is seeking to resolve the current ambiguity relating to the longevity of Windows XPe and WES2009. The root cause of this XPe/WES2009 ambiguity resides some years back, when Microsoft introduced a new naming convention and XP Embedded/XPe became Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES2009). Technically, both terms remained current.
Windows XP Embedded (XPe) thereafter refers to Service Pack 1 and 2 (SP1 and SP2) of the Operating System, while Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES2009) refers explicitly to Service Pack 3 (SP3).
However, most users and developers continued to refer to all Service Pack levels, including WES2009 (SP3), as XP Embedded or XPe. As a result, what is detailed in the Microsoft Embedded product life cycle for XP Embedded has panicked and confused many.
To summarise:
Those who find they are using installations based on SP1 or SP2 can easily upgrade to the latest version and enjoy a long extension in the lifetime of their product. If this is unfamiliar territory, DSL's in-house embedded operating system experts will be delighted to assist with that migration.
To contact DSL's embedded OS experts for any further questions relating to XPe and WES2009, go to www.dsl-ltd.co.uk/contact-us.
Datasound Laboratories Ltd (DSL)
4 Aylesford Court
Works Road
+44 (0)1462 675530