With worldwide network of sales, service and support Mechan Controls is a leader in the market for interlocks and machine guard safety. Mechan Controls develops intuitive machine guard safety products, and strives to stay ahead of the curve to bring ground-breaking solutions to the safety market.
Mechan Controls has distributors all over the world, forming a strong sales and service network. Via this network Mechan Controls is close to its customers and can individually respond to their requirements quickly and flexibly with the best solutions.
A leading supplier to some of the most demanding sectors, including food manufacturing, aggregates, pharmaceuticals and the dairy industry, Mechan Controls' innovative products, high quality and fast response to customer requirements are the key reasons behind its success.
Mechan Controls is fully aware of the pressure that its customers are facing. Its safety products help to avoid downtime, increase output, reduce waste and keep the use of energy to a minimum.
Further, Mechan Controls is committed to continually improving its environmental performance, and it complies with all the relevant environmental legislations. The company is also forward thinking in educating its staff regarding the environmental effects of their activities within the business.
But perhaps it is its ongoing innovation process that is the defining characteristic of Mechan Controls. Innovation within the field of safety enables Mechan Controls to offer unique technologies in machine guarding solutions, like the world's first RFID safety switch invented by Mechan controls in 1972. This enabled the safety standards today to evolve around EN ISO 13849-2 7.2.5 Category 4 ((A single fault including common mode faults does not lead to the loss of safety function, the single faults are detected at or before the next demand on the safety function)).
Such developments reflect the amount of knowledge and knowhow that Mechan Controls has. Today hundreds of thousands of applications use Mechan safety products for their reliability and, above all, ability to meet all safety standards.
14/16 Seddon Place
Stanley Industrial Estate
+44 (0)1695 722264