Hamamatsu Photonics is introducing a new offering in its range of miniature spectrometers, the C11697MB; a high-sensitivity, trigger-compatible VIS-NIR mini-spectrometer module. The new C11697MB is suitable for inline testing applications and measurement of pulsed light emission due to the high sensitivity offered by the new S11639 CMOS linear image sensor housed inside.
The C11697MB offers high sensitivity across a wide spectral response range from 320-1000nm, with light input from the measurement sample via a fibre optic cable. With a 2048 pixel array offering a spectral resolution of 8nm, the module offers a high-speed readout time of only 2ms. Along with the trigger function of the CMOS array offering an integration time of only 30 us, this makes it suited for inline inspection of LEDs.
Operation of the C11697MB is simply via a USB interface which enables "plug and play' connection to a PC, so no external power supply is required. The C11697MB comes supplied with free evaluation software that allows the user to set the measurement conditions, acquire and save data and display the results graphically. This makes it very easy to set up and begin taking basic measurements.
For further information about the C11697MB VIS-NIR mini-spectrometer module visit the website at www.hamamatsu.com.