Engineering firm shortlisted for Innovation for Growth' Award
This is not the first time LG Motion has innovated in growth in business. Having previously won ‘The Apprentice of the Year Award’ in 2018, it was delighted to be shortlisted for the Inspire Business Awards, which celebrate local businesses in north Hampshire.
The awards are aimed at highlighting and celebrating the efforts of businesses of local companies, as well as showcasing the commitment of their staff.
LG Motion has been shortlisted for the ‘Innovation for Growth’ award. This category asked entrants to discuss recent innovative solutions and show how they have helped give the business a competitive edge. 2020 was no doubt a year in which many businesses had to make hard choices, in order to continue trading, the engineering and manufacturing industries being specific areas that were hit hard by the pandemic.
Focus fell on new and developing markets
“LG Motion quickly and confidently made the conscious decision to focus on new and developing markets during this time, in order to grow business,” it states. “With a lot of other companies pressing the red pause button during the pandemic, they took the approach to forge on with determination and revisit projects that they had started working on pre- COVID, whilst other projects slowed down in uncertain times.
"One particular project stood out way ahead for potential accelerated development.”
Art conversation and restoration was a sector LG Motion had been investigating for some time. It took the changed COVID market to redouble efforts and push one particular project to completion. This was a large-scale, digital art scanner that captures high-resolution digital images, giving galleries the potential to uncover new insights and gain more understanding into the provenance of works.
LG Motion’s expertise is in motion control technology. By combining high-specification motion control equipment and bespoke software, they enabled the surveying of artwork and subsequent gathering of digital data to produce ultra-high-resolution images with extraordinary detail and clarity. This technology combines with an intelligent stitching algorithm to result in an incredibly high-resolution image of an entire painting, even with minimal visible data present within any single image, adds the company.
Art scanners installed internationally
Large-scale art scanners are already installed in galleries and art institutions in the Cambridge and London, as well as Amsterdam, with installations pending in the USA and enquiries from Denmark.
Additionally, LG Motion designed and developed an electro-mechanical system to work in conjunction with another local business’ programme to measure ultrasound acoustic pressure and intensity via a low frequency ultrasound scanning tank. The scanning tank will be used in research into non-invasive cancer surgery and drug dosing across blood-brain barrier to avoid brain infection.
“Both projects provide much needed technology in two industry sectors,” says LG Motion MD Gary Livingstone. “It is testament to our engineers and the hard work of all our staff that we were able to press on with development during COVID -19.
Innovative in challenging times
“When we were all faced with the COVID -19 outbreak, we had to choose whether to watch the company stall or find new avenues to develop. No one in the business considered stalling an option, so, thanks to the dedication of the entire team, we were able to be innovative in such challenging times. And we hope being shortlisted for this award highlights just how effective our whole team is and how grateful we are for their unfailing support.”
For more information on the large-scale art scanner, click here.
Unit 1, Telford Road
Houndsmill Industrial Estate
RG21 6YU
01256 365600