Tap into Stemmer Imaging's expert knowledge and experience
Stemmer Imaging has a number of upcoming events and webinars for which you can sign up now.
On the webinars front, you can join in and benefit from the company’s knowledge and experience when planning your application, it states, such as ‘How to de-risk your machine vision projects’.
Insights into machine vision projects
As Stemmer Imaging comments: “Unfortunately we still see too many machine vision projects end up in working extra hours. Over the years, we build up knowledge and a proposition that will de-risk your machine vision project. Please join this webinar to find out how much time and money you can save in your upcoming projects.”
On the training events front, these interactive, practical sessions are said to provide “theoretical basics combined with hands-on application examples – tailored to beginners, advanced users and experts”. One such event (for beginners) covers ‘Planning and implementing of machine vision solutions’.
Unravelling the complexity
Says Stemmer Imaging: “This training will help you to unravel the complexity of machine vision systems: become familiar with all necessary components ranging from camera and illumination to cables, or from easy-to-use vision sensors to 3D systems, all based on application examples and live demonstrations.
For more information on Stemmer Imaging’s events and webinars, click here.