The Workshop Programme at MachineBuilding.Live 2024 at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham, was expanded to include a series of Machinery Safety Masterclass talks. Here, Miklos Bakos, machine solutions offer manager at Schneider Electric, explores machinery safety with robotics.
As robot types from industrial and collaborative, to SCARA and delta, become mainstays of the modern production environment, how can we ensure safety and how can we deliver seamless integration with other production technologies and systems?
By watching this video you will learn: Strategies to maximise speed and productivity of collaborative robots (Cobots) while adhering to all speed and force limitations set by relevant standards; The advantages of integrated safety solutions for different types of robots, including Cartesian, SCARA, and Delta robots; and an exploration of the safety zone approach for tracking systems, specifically highlighting the Lexium MC12 multi-carrier system and its Safe Force Off zones.