Mechanical drive train becomes green
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 16th May 2023, 15:30

Mechanical drive train becomes green

Mechanical drive train becomes green

How can mechanical parts be beneficial for the energy consumption of your machine? How can a belt drive or a clutch make your machine a little bit greener? The experts at Lenze Selection explain with some examples.

High efficiency, maintenance-free, silent operation – there are many reasons to choose a belt drive. When selecting a belt, always look for the latest technology. For example, the width of the belt and the pulley can be decreased significantly by using the high-performance PolyChain Carbon Volt belt from Lenze Selection instead of a standard HTD timing belt.

What about brakes? Spring applied brakes need more power for releasing than during operation. You can lower the holding current by approximately 50%, resulting in a lower power throughput. Thus, we call it a cold brake. All you need is just a rectifier for this purpose.

Energy savings

Up to 99% energy savings and safe retention of switching state are what you get with a bistable electromagnetic tooth clutch Type 556 M1. Only a short current pulse is needed to change switching state – there's no power needed for retaining the switching state. Even in the event of power failure, the currently applied switching state is held – a gain in safety.

Due to the low energy consumption, the clutch is perfectly suited for use in battery-powered vehicles like AGVs (automated guided vehicles).

Lenze Selection (a Division of Lenze Ltd)

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Priory Business Park
MK44 3WH

+44 (0)1234 753201

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