Beijer Electronics introduces the new X3 and X3 Web, which it describes as the future of Human-Machine Interface (HMI), designed to support standard HMI and Web HMI technologies.
(See Beijer Electronics at MachineBuilding.Live, 2 October 2024, on stand 119)
X3: This Next Generation HMI is the latest innovation from Beijer Electronics, building upon the success of the X2 series. A sleek all-black design, X3 HMI panels will be available in sizes from 7" to 21"
X3 Web: The X3 Web is set to be released in November 2024. This HMI web technology hardware offers improved performance to run WebIQ - Beijer Electronics' HTML5 platform software package.
WebIQ: A 100% web-technology based web HMI system for the creation of stunning professional web HMIs that allow you to distinguish your HMI from your competition, and view your Web HMI on your machine or mobile device.