Visually arresting status indication at push of a button'
EAO has enhanced its Series 82 family of push-button HMIs - Human Machine Interfaces - with the addition of devices that feature ultra-high contrast red, green, blue, white or red/green LED illumination.
The boosted symbol and halo illumination level provided by the new push-buttons enhances the visibility of standard or custom switch status symbols in most ambient conditions.
The new Series 82 switches are available with silver alloy or gold-plated switching elements in momentary or maintained action variants. The built-in high contrast LEDs provide single and bi-colour illumination.
Continuous status feedback
According to Robert Davies, marketing manager with EAO, many HMI applications have to deliver status feedback at all times, so the operator knows precisely the status of the machine under his/her control: “Visual and tactile feedback provides certainty that a machine or device is in passive or operational mode [switched on or off] and assurance that it’s functioning correctly,” he says.
Typical applications are said to include:
Combined with the modern and stylish design and front-panel presence offered by all Series 82 push-buttons the highly effective symbol illumination delivered by the new metal-bodied, 22mm devices enhances both the visual appeal and functionality of the new switches in almost any application.
“The added benefits of plug-in terminals, IP65/IP67 front protection and a service life of >1million operational cycles render the new Series 82 pushbutton the ideal choice for stylish, vandal-resistant HMI controls in public areas, access control and in harsh industrial environments”, Davies concludes.