ExxonMobil is showcasing two new products for the agricultural industry. Mobil SHCTM Hydraulic EAL (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant) and Mobil Pegasus 605 Ultra 40 have been launched in response to industry trends and are designed to optimise the performance of agricultural equipment and help operators save costs.
Mobil SHC Hydraulic EAL is a new readily biodegradable synthetic hydraulic oil that protects and can help improve the energy efficiency of hydraulic equipment by up to 3.6 per cent. The high-performance lubricant meets EU Ecolabel standards and features properties that can increase equipment durability and extend oil life. It can help protect machines operating in rugged environments where deposit build-up can be an issue, such as agricultural applications.
Mobil Pegasus 605 Ultra 40 is a natural gas engine oil formulated to support the growing number of agricultural sites installing gas engines to generate power from biomass gas. During extensive field tests that included more than 18,000 hours of testing on GE Waukesha APG 1000 gas engines, the new oil has shown the potential to double oil drain intervals. Along with outstanding anti-wear and anti-scuff performance, Mobil Pegasus 605 Ultra 40 offers exceptional carbon and varnish deposit control, mitigating some of the challenges of operating engines on biomass gas.
Jarmo Vihersalo, industrial marketing advisor for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, ExxonMobil, says: "The agricultural sector requires tailored lubricant solutions that can help improve energy efficiency and productivity, and as a result help to achieve its environmental goals. This year, ExxonMobil has launched two new products to meet this need. Mobil Pegasus 605 Ultra 40 and Mobil SHC Hydraulic EAL have been designed to help to enhance machinery performance - from gas engines to the hydraulics within tractors. Together, they can help the agricultural sector optimise equipment life, increase efficiency and reduce operating costs."
For more information about ExxonMobil's range of lubricants for the agricultural industry, including Mobil Pegasus 605 Ultra 40 and Mobil SHC Hydraulic EAL, please visit www.mobilindustrial.com.
ExxonMobil Lubricants & Specialties Europe
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