Web forum enables online discussion of fluxgate technology
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 15th Mar 2008, 16:54

Web forum enables online discussion of fluxgate technology

Fluxgate World is using MTEC to launch its internet forum that is aimed at promoting a better understanding of fluxgate technology and developing its application potential. The web forum, which can be found at www.fluxgateworld.com/forum, has been created in response to the increasing number of enquiries that the company receives relating to fluxgate performance, the underlying technology and potential applications.

Web forum enables online discussion of fluxgate technology

Chris Shelton, managing director, comments: "When we first introduced our new sensor sub-systems three years ago at MTEC, there was very little application of the technology in the industrial, automotive, medical and environmental markets. Now we are getting increasingly diverse questions, ranging from the development of new surgical procedures to the design of self-levelling platforms."

Continual development of the technology and its wider application is at the heart of Fluxgate World's development strategy, which puts the company at the natural focus of questions and opinions on the future for this mature but rapidly updating technology. Shelton adds: "There will always be those application questions that will be commercially sensitive and we will of course handle these directly, but we also see great value in an open forum in which anyone from students to experienced engineers can become involved."

Visit the forum at www.fluxgateworld.com/forum.

Fluxgate World

Woodrolfe Road

+44 (0)162 186 9460

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